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Theories of Architecture is a culmination of learnt theories and discussions that stem from the ever inquisitive minds of architecture students.
Architectural theory is the act of thinking, discussing, and writing about architecture. Architectural theory is taught in most architecture schools and is practiced by the world's leading architects. Some forms that architecture theory takes are the lecture or dialogue, the treatise or book, and the paper project or competition entry. Architectural theory is often didactic, and theorists tend to stay close to or work from within schools. It has existed in some form since antiquity, and as publishing became more common, architectural theory gained an increased richness. Books, magazines, and journals published an unprecedented amount of works by architects and critics in the 20th century. As a result, styles and movements formed and dissolved much more quickly than the relatively enduring modes in earlier history. It is to be expected that the use of the internet will further the discourse on architecture in the 21st century.
Anchor 1
NING JIA CHENG | 1001436861
NG CHIA MING | 1001334324
OLIVIA TAM SIE WEN | 1001540443
HUIYIH LOW | 1001540522
LIM ZE SHAN | 1001437998
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